Open the folder Application Support and then MinecraftĤ.Click on the desktop and then press Command+Shift+G all at the same time.Find folder Minecraft and then look for the Mods folder within that.

This is just a warning, it does not affect your gameplay in anyway, and you can still activate and enjoy the pack by simply clicking the "Yes" button when prompted.1.12.2 – 1.12 – 1.11.2 – 1.11 Hyper HD Realism Realistic Resource Packs 1.12.2 / 1.11.2 download link It comes in a high resolution of 512×512 in this Resource. This Resource pack was started about two months ago and it has become very popular among the Minecraft community. 256x Minecraft 1.19 Realistic Texture Pack. Mn3 Ultra Realistic HD Resource Pack for 1.20.1 is a realistic and experimental styled Resource pack. Browse and download Minecraft Weather Texture Packs by the Planet Minecraft community. QUICK TIP: Sometimes, when activating a pack, the game may say that the pack is made for a newer or older version of Minecraft. Mn3 Ultra Realistic HD Resource Pack for 1.20.1 1.19.4 1.18.2. Your pack should have appeared in the left window, just hover over it and click on the arrow pointing to the right.zip file you downloaded in the first step to the newly opened "resourcepacks" folder. – folder titled "resourcepacks" will pop up On the options menu, click "Resource Packs.".Launch the game client through the Minecraft launcher.zip file you downloaded in the first step to the newly opened 'resourcepacks' folder. folder titled 'resourcepacks' will pop up. On the options menu, click 'Resource Packs.'. – if there are many different versions, just choose the one you like, is compatible with your version/edition of Minecraft, the one you think your computer can handle in terms of performance. Launch the game client through the Minecraft launcher. Download the Hyper HD Realism texture pack for Minecraft from the download section below.– general recommended step for all packs, Optifine is also needed for most shaders Most resource packs require Optifine, so be sure to download and install it.How to install Hyper HD Realism Resource Pack: