Users can make clicks repeatedly by pressing the activation key again. The only upgrade in this key is its repetition mode.

It allows the user to go for either Hold or Toggle activation key. Use any auto clickers software to ensure and get it back. I am sure this large number of clicks took your breath away. How many clicks do you get by the bursts of clicks? A large number of clicks, about hundreds in 1 second? Believe it or not, the best auto speed clickers produce more than 50000 clicks in 1 second. The reason why it is on the top of this list is that it gives complete control in the hands of the gamers itself Despite the very simple user interface, you can totally customize the clicking the way you want it. Speed auto clickers, as indicated by the name, are the software that spontaneously generates bursts of clicks in a given time. Free Auto Clicker As the name suggests, this is a ‘free tool to automate clicking on your computer. Auto clickers software is also one such software. Users use different clicking techniques to get favorable results.

For instance, a 5 second or 10 second click test. Click speed tests (CST) are tools designed specially to check out the number of clicks a user made in a given time.